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Everything you ever wanted to know about the Sagebrush Cactus Baseball League and then some.

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Toughen Up: There's no crying in baseball.

Pony up, Cinderella: Start turning over those couch cushions and turn in your Coke bottles. The league fee is $ gratuity for the Commish, of course.

No Means No: Do not continue contacting a league member over and over again about some ridiculous trade offer or idea you have. If they don't respond to you after an attempt or two, or say "no", that means she doesn't want to go to the prom with you.

The Kennesaw Mountain Landis Rule: All trades are reviewed by the Commish to ensure the integrity of the league. The Commish will not evaluate or comment on the "fairness" of the trade, just that the trade was made in good faith with no collusion or deceit between the owners involved.


Draft Date & Time: The draft is scheduled for 18:00 PST (21:00 EST) on Sunday, 3/24/2024.

Draft Format: Auction with $260 budget - because snake drafts are for pussies.

Keepers? Yes, of course you'll be able to keep Patrick Corbin! And since baseball lineups are larger than football, you can keep up to four players of your choice. 

The Taxman: Keepers are complicated, so here's a handy list of details to print out and keep in your wallet instead of messaging the Commish at the start of every season...

  • The player must have been on your roster at the end of last season.

  • A player's keeper price is their draft price or FAAB price from last season.

  • If you acquired a player for $0 in free agency, that player will cost $1 (plus applicable Keeper Tax) to keep.

  • All keepers are subject to the Keeper Tax based on their Positional Rank (PRK) on ESPN from the prior season. Click Here to view keeper rates for the 2024 Season.

  • Keepers for 2024 must be selected by 00:00 PST on Friday, 3/22/2024.


If You Pay It, They Will Come: Free agents are purchased with real cash-money, not that fake stuff.

Establishing Good Credit: Any unspent draft money will be credited to your free agent account (e.g. If you finish the draft with $15 left over, and you purchase a free agent for $25 in week 3, you would owe $10 at the end of the season).

Big Spender: There is no preset budget or spending limit for free agents. You can spend as much, or as little, as you want to get that third catcher. Just make sure you can afford to pay up at season's end.

Get Out Your Wallet: Owners will reconcile their free agent spending spree at the end of the season or else you'll get a little visit from my friends.

Buyer's Remorse: Commish will contact any owner who bids more than $25 for a player to confirm that it was a legitimate waiver claim. If the claim was a mistake, the player will automatically be rewarded to the next highest bidder. If there is no other bidder, the player will be manually waivered by Commish. Winning bids of $25 or less are non-refundable, even if it was a mistake.

The Groupon Rate: Any free agent acquired for $0 would still be at no cost.

Winner's Take All: All revenue generated from free agent acquisition will be paid to the top 3 teams.


League Champion: $400 + 60% FA Revenue

2nd Place: $250 + 30% FA Revenue
3rd Place: $150
+ 10% FA Revenue
Consolation Ladder Winner: $75
*Highest Single Week Score: $50
*Highest Single Week Score In A Loss: $50

*Lowest Single Week Score In A Win: $25
All-Star Team Challenge Winner: $75

All-Star Team Challenge Runner-Up: $25

Batting Champion Winner: $50

Cy Young Winner: $50


*Applies to regular season games only where matchups are 7 days.

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How many points will your bench players score this week?


Why are you still here?


Now that you've read through the rules, you're ready to head on over to the ESPN league page and starting managing your team. Click the link below to view the Sagebrush Cactus League page.

© 2023 by Sagebrush Cactus League.

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